Saturday, January 14, 2012

BP #4 - Going Green

- Thinking about food sustainability it was not a big issue for me when i shop for food. However, as i learned from this topic "Going Green," i begin concerning about food sustainability.

- Here is i can usually do for reducing carbon footprint. I am trying no to use disposable products, such as a plastic razor, plastic spoons, paper plates, and wooden chopsticks. Also I bring my own shopping bag when i go to market. So that I do barely use the disposable products.

- Unfortunately, i have no chance to access to stores with organic locally grown food.

- In case of international students, like me, who live in industrialized countries , such as New York, getting organic and nutritious food has been hard because of on a tight budget. These fresh food definitely high price. Otherwise, I might not be interested before my professor told us about "Food Coop" which I can get fresh food at lowest-price.
From that, I have been thinking what food I really want for health and the earth environment.