Friday, January 20, 2012

BP#5 - Soda Tax

    Increasing tax on soda is essential. As the government raises excise on soda, the new policy effects on consumer's health issues.

    In the U.S, one of three children is an overweight. For instance, the children, each have can of glass of soda consumes per day, it increases them a chance of becoming obesity by 60%. Children obesity has more chance to get disease and sickness.

    In addition, drinking soda is not only linked on obesity, but also, it linked diabetics. Diet soda is safer for a diabetic to drink than sugary soft drinks, but avoiding soft drinks altogether may be the safest route to maintain or lessen your diabetic condition.

    Also, the low-calorie, low-carbohydrate may make the consumers for weight loss. For example, the American Dietetic Association states that substituting as artificial sweetener for sugar can save you 17 calories per teaspoon. This may be around 380 calories per day for a regular soda drinker or 1pound weight loss every nine to 10 days.

    The government increases on soda which reduces consuming soda prevents various diseases.

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