Thursday, January 5, 2012

BP #2 - Taking Advatage

Henrietta Lacks's family felt so sorrowful about she passed away. And the family were really angry with doctors and scientists when the family heard HeLa's immortal cells were taken without HeLa's and her family's permission, eventhought her cells were used as medical research development.

In this time when someone took advantage of me was about a month ago. One of my friends bought a HP touchpad and he wanted the device as a multy booting device. However he did not know how to customize it. About a half hour he searched about doing that he gave up. He just passed me the device. He wanted me to set the the program. However, even for me, I did not know ,too. I had no information about it. But I decided to do it for my friend. About five hours focused on it, maybe that was 4:30 am,I finally set he program into the device. Researches, YouTube videos, and other informations from the website were helped me. I was so proud of myself doing that work.


  1. Hello i read your blog it very intresting but you need to add more detail about Henrietta

  2. ohhh finally, you was proud of having helped you friend after all.
