Thursday, January 26, 2012

BP #6 - Mini Essay on Informed Consent

    In providing by law that a mental patient must give informed consent to hospotalization but then failing to make provision for the patient's competence to be examined at admission, Florida perdictably violated the patient's rights. Florida's establiched procedure for involuntary placement needs to be applied "to all patients who cannot be admitted voluntarily, both those who are unwilling and those who are unable to give consent." ("A Brief History of Mental Health Law 'Reform'" Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy, Fall 1992)(
 In Korea society based on the patriarchal system, authority is very important in the relation between patient and physician, and patient interaction, the explanation is not delivered well due to the perceived superior role of the physician by the patient, and patients perceives that the physicians are giving informed consent in odfer to allow themselves to be exempt from legal responsilility.("Perceptions of informed consent among patients and physicians in Korea"byLee, Won-Hee professor in Yonsei University.)(

   Furthermore, in the past,  there was a different basic view of people of doctors and researchers. The limited experiments on the medical parts which the doctors and researchers exceed situation such as kidnapping colored people and doing experiments on them. Moreover, their excessive experiments was not the infraction of the medical laws.

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